For NIV reading, click here Hebrews 1:5-14
The rest of Hebrews 1 is a group of OT texts woven into the author's argument for the Son being superior.
Just a couple of questions to get us going on this:
(1) what exactly is the author emphasizing in these verses?
(2) how does he do this?
(3) why do you think this is so important?

What this blog is about and what I hope it does...
I hope this will be a simple fun tool for us to grow in our understanding and surrender to God through the Bible as we connect over the web. Reading the Bible is both simple and difficult. What could be easier than opening a book and reading? Yet we've all done that and wondered what sections of the Bible mean? What's with the book of Leviticus? What is Revelation really about? Is the Song of Songs about marital love or is it supposed to be more 'spiritual' than that?
So, my intent is for this blog to be a tool that helps us in our faith. A forum for better understanding. An honest place of sharing that nurtures us as we follow Jesus together.
(There are a few resources I have included under "PAGES" that may be a helpful start, especially to those newer to reading the Bible. It's located just below this and to the right. Also included is a READING OUTLINE. If you miss a day, go on to the next rather than trying to catch up.)
ONE LAST NOTE: you don't have to join or set up an account to share comments. Just click 'comment' at the bottom of a post, click the drop down and click 'anonymous.' Then write your post and if you want sign it with your first name and finish by clicking 'Post comment.' I would love to hear your thoughts.
So, my intent is for this blog to be a tool that helps us in our faith. A forum for better understanding. An honest place of sharing that nurtures us as we follow Jesus together.
(There are a few resources I have included under "PAGES" that may be a helpful start, especially to those newer to reading the Bible. It's located just below this and to the right. Also included is a READING OUTLINE. If you miss a day, go on to the next rather than trying to catch up.)
ONE LAST NOTE: you don't have to join or set up an account to share comments. Just click 'comment' at the bottom of a post, click the drop down and click 'anonymous.' Then write your post and if you want sign it with your first name and finish by clicking 'Post comment.' I would love to hear your thoughts.
Hebrews 1:1-4
1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs. (NIV)
This initial section sets the stage for the rest of Hebrews. A few things to conisder as you read it:
How might these truths encourage your faith?
Thoughts, questions, etc.
Have a great couple of days!
This initial section sets the stage for the rest of Hebrews. A few things to conisder as you read it:
- What is the main contrast here?
- What are the 7 claims made of Christ?
- What is the writer's conclusion about all this?
How might these truths encourage your faith?
Thoughts, questions, etc.
Have a great couple of days!
Hebrews - My Initial Thoughts
So, I took my own advice and read through Hebrews last night and here are some initial thoughts that might give us a little bit of a bird's eye view...if you read through it, I would love to read your thoughts too!
Tomorrow, I'll suggest the initial reading for the next couple of days.
- What the writer of Hebrews writes is strongly connected to everything God has been doing all along - this is important because too many Christians see the God of the Old Testament as different from the God of the New Testament (law vs. grace). But God is the one who has been, is and will be at work on His plan throughout!
- Hebrews has an incredibly 'high Christology.' Fancy academic way of saying that the view of Jesus in Hebrews is as high and divine as you can get (see 1:8-9 where it seems Jesus is called 'God').
- There seems to be an emphasis on the eternal - that God and God's people and His creation and work of salvation will last forever, while everything else just fades away. (hmmm, more material for our sermon series: Christmas Remains)
- The writer pushes and pushes the readers to pay careful attention and to jump in full throttle in cooperating with what God is doing. No room for excuses whatsover! So the writer says things like: "don't be lazy!" & "don't harden your hearts" & "make every effort to grow" etc. God isn't into spoon feeding long-time Christians - that doesn't produce a strong faith!
- There are real dangers to the Christian life and people can and do drift away, so be on guard.
- Suffering is part of the Christian life. Don't be surprised by it. Stop looking for a rapture to take us away. Jesus suffered. We may suffer too.
- But, in the midst of suffering and dangers...we see Jesus, who remained faithful and now has overcome!
- Jesus wanted our redemption so much that he put humanity on Himself and lived it to reach us, empathize with us, and ultimate to free us and save us! That's someone worth following!
- We each have a role in each other's faith - to encourage, prod, spur, push, pull, love and pray each other into growth.
- There are real consequences to sin, so stop it!
- Faith changes how we see things - it opens new possibilities that didn't seem to be there before (see Abraham in chapter 11!)
- From beginning to end, there seems to be an emphasis on how God still speaks His Word.
Tomorrow, I'll suggest the initial reading for the next couple of days.
Starting Hebrews Tomorrow
The best way to read the Bible, I think, is 'together' with others. So, why not read Hebrews with us - we start tomorrow. No preparation necessary...just read the passage posted, a few notes I'll include and read or take part in the dialogue with questions or comments under each post - no need to subscribe or join anything. See note above in the blue.
For the truly ambitious, carve out a 30-40 minutes to read through Hebrews in one sitting to get a feel for the whole thing.
For the truly ambitious, carve out a 30-40 minutes to read through Hebrews in one sitting to get a feel for the whole thing.
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