22Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. 23For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 24For,
"All men are like grass,
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall,
25but the word of the Lord stands forever."
And this is the word that was preached to you.
Notice the connection between this section (what we do in response to what God has done) and the one we just finished (vv. 17-21 what God has done). As we have seen several times already, 'faith' is both belief/trust AND faithfulness; it is an inner reality that issues in transformed daily living and the two go together. The one enables the other which shows the former to be genuine. Not sure that was very clear at all...the point is that God's love for us shown in Christ must move us toward a love for others shaped by Christ. Outside of this relationship, our lives have the sturdiness of withering grass.

What this blog is about and what I hope it does...
I hope this will be a simple fun tool for us to grow in our understanding and surrender to God through the Bible as we connect over the web. Reading the Bible is both simple and difficult. What could be easier than opening a book and reading? Yet we've all done that and wondered what sections of the Bible mean? What's with the book of Leviticus? What is Revelation really about? Is the Song of Songs about marital love or is it supposed to be more 'spiritual' than that?
So, my intent is for this blog to be a tool that helps us in our faith. A forum for better understanding. An honest place of sharing that nurtures us as we follow Jesus together.
(There are a few resources I have included under "PAGES" that may be a helpful start, especially to those newer to reading the Bible. It's located just below this and to the right. Also included is a READING OUTLINE. If you miss a day, go on to the next rather than trying to catch up.)
ONE LAST NOTE: you don't have to join or set up an account to share comments. Just click 'comment' at the bottom of a post, click the drop down and click 'anonymous.' Then write your post and if you want sign it with your first name and finish by clicking 'Post comment.' I would love to hear your thoughts.
So, my intent is for this blog to be a tool that helps us in our faith. A forum for better understanding. An honest place of sharing that nurtures us as we follow Jesus together.
(There are a few resources I have included under "PAGES" that may be a helpful start, especially to those newer to reading the Bible. It's located just below this and to the right. Also included is a READING OUTLINE. If you miss a day, go on to the next rather than trying to catch up.)
ONE LAST NOTE: you don't have to join or set up an account to share comments. Just click 'comment' at the bottom of a post, click the drop down and click 'anonymous.' Then write your post and if you want sign it with your first name and finish by clicking 'Post comment.' I would love to hear your thoughts.
"faithfulness; it is an inner reality that issues in transformed daily living and the two go together. The one enables the other which shows the former to be genuine."
ReplyDeleteEasy to say , not always so easy to do .
Love this : " The word of the Lord stands forever " . That is so beautiful ! Nothing stands forever , man . Not life , not marriages ,not retirement plans , not praise bands , nothing . But , the word of the Lord stands forever . That's comfort .
I agree Doc. Matt, I don't have much to add except to say that you did a great job of interpretation for us here. I'm not sure I would have ever extracted the summary you did, but re-reading this and yesterday's it make perfect sense. Sometimes I get a little to academic in these circles, mostly over thinking things. Today I will just hold onto this: "Outside of this relationship, our lives have the sturdiness of withering grass."