7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. (NIV)
We should never tire of hearing the command to 'love each other deeply.' This is the kind of section that every Christian should memorize...in fact that's one of the things I'll do this week. Anyone else?
Anyway, one of the reasons love is powerful, real, Jesus-shaped love, is that is slows and stops the cycle of sin. That's my take on verse 8. The rest of this passage applies what love looks like in specific ways.
Another interesting tidbit: Peter says to keep alert or aware so that we pray...i.e., the more we see what's really going on, the more we recognize the dangers to the Christian's life, the more we see sin around/in us, the more we are moved to pray. Prayer is the urgent task of the alert follower of Christ. Not sure this means we can't carry on a discussion or conversation or address an issue without holding hands a saying a quick prayer...I think it means that a bedrock practice of the Christian is to think and live and speak and respond out of a heart that is regularly 'prayed up.' Prayer isn't magic or alchemy that suddenly happens if we just conjure the right words at the right time. It is one's deep connectedness to Jesus' heart that shapes a person's focus, tempers, responses, ability to forgive, willingness to give good in response to evil, to not complain, to accept others, to serve and speak as God might. Now I know the church/we don't always do this well. And I know there are easier alternatives to being the church...but love that doesn't love when loving is hard is not love. So, remember, the 'end of things' is on its way, so, keep the oil in your lamp by loving the whoevers in your life right now. Jesus could be on the next cloud coming. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

What this blog is about and what I hope it does...
I hope this will be a simple fun tool for us to grow in our understanding and surrender to God through the Bible as we connect over the web. Reading the Bible is both simple and difficult. What could be easier than opening a book and reading? Yet we've all done that and wondered what sections of the Bible mean? What's with the book of Leviticus? What is Revelation really about? Is the Song of Songs about marital love or is it supposed to be more 'spiritual' than that?
So, my intent is for this blog to be a tool that helps us in our faith. A forum for better understanding. An honest place of sharing that nurtures us as we follow Jesus together.
(There are a few resources I have included under "PAGES" that may be a helpful start, especially to those newer to reading the Bible. It's located just below this and to the right. Also included is a READING OUTLINE. If you miss a day, go on to the next rather than trying to catch up.)
ONE LAST NOTE: you don't have to join or set up an account to share comments. Just click 'comment' at the bottom of a post, click the drop down and click 'anonymous.' Then write your post and if you want sign it with your first name and finish by clicking 'Post comment.' I would love to hear your thoughts.
So, my intent is for this blog to be a tool that helps us in our faith. A forum for better understanding. An honest place of sharing that nurtures us as we follow Jesus together.
(There are a few resources I have included under "PAGES" that may be a helpful start, especially to those newer to reading the Bible. It's located just below this and to the right. Also included is a READING OUTLINE. If you miss a day, go on to the next rather than trying to catch up.)
ONE LAST NOTE: you don't have to join or set up an account to share comments. Just click 'comment' at the bottom of a post, click the drop down and click 'anonymous.' Then write your post and if you want sign it with your first name and finish by clicking 'Post comment.' I would love to hear your thoughts.
Other/different thoughts on 'love covers a multitude of sins?'
ReplyDeleteFirst part of v. 11 has always been weighty to me: speak as speaking the words of God!!!
What a great section of scripture .Love covering over a multitude of sins makes me think that God thinks of us like we would think of a puppy that does wrong but licks your face because he loves you ; you just can't stay mad at him .Love has to be the bottom line in all we do ; I would love for that to be my legacy , folks remembering me as a loving individual .