11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience. 12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (NIV)
Here, the author instructs his readers again, tieing it up with what he has already written with 'therefore.' Because this Christian faith is glorious, because it surpasses everything that has come before and because of the disaster of 'unbelief' of those like the wilderness generation, we are told to 'make every effort' to enter God's rest. No one can 'be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease' (Isaac Watts).
The 'word'/message which was mentioned in 4:2, the gospel, is something that if we truly listen for it, respond to it, gets into our bones and reaches to all that is wrong in our human hearts.
You/I may think we can keep the sin hidden from others or ourselves, but it doesn't escape God's scrutiny.
This is good news, even if it can be painful...so while it is still 'today,' before 'today' is over, we must hear Him who speaks grace and truth into us.

What this blog is about and what I hope it does...
I hope this will be a simple fun tool for us to grow in our understanding and surrender to God through the Bible as we connect over the web. Reading the Bible is both simple and difficult. What could be easier than opening a book and reading? Yet we've all done that and wondered what sections of the Bible mean? What's with the book of Leviticus? What is Revelation really about? Is the Song of Songs about marital love or is it supposed to be more 'spiritual' than that?
So, my intent is for this blog to be a tool that helps us in our faith. A forum for better understanding. An honest place of sharing that nurtures us as we follow Jesus together.
(There are a few resources I have included under "PAGES" that may be a helpful start, especially to those newer to reading the Bible. It's located just below this and to the right. Also included is a READING OUTLINE. If you miss a day, go on to the next rather than trying to catch up.)
ONE LAST NOTE: you don't have to join or set up an account to share comments. Just click 'comment' at the bottom of a post, click the drop down and click 'anonymous.' Then write your post and if you want sign it with your first name and finish by clicking 'Post comment.' I would love to hear your thoughts.
So, my intent is for this blog to be a tool that helps us in our faith. A forum for better understanding. An honest place of sharing that nurtures us as we follow Jesus together.
(There are a few resources I have included under "PAGES" that may be a helpful start, especially to those newer to reading the Bible. It's located just below this and to the right. Also included is a READING OUTLINE. If you miss a day, go on to the next rather than trying to catch up.)
ONE LAST NOTE: you don't have to join or set up an account to share comments. Just click 'comment' at the bottom of a post, click the drop down and click 'anonymous.' Then write your post and if you want sign it with your first name and finish by clicking 'Post comment.' I would love to hear your thoughts.
Similar to my previous thoughts... GOD's word is STILL alive, still active, still relevant and still very worthy of study. Once again, I can only laugh (or be very sad) when someone says that the Bible is no longer relevant.
ReplyDeleteOne more thought that has helped me: the piercing presence of the Word, something people may find distasteful or offensive, is one of God's major means of getting His healing truth into our lives, bone, spirit and flesh so that we are guided toward His rest. Once again, what God offers, and we resist, is what we need most.